I understand that many of you are getting anxious to hear what is going on in the background, but rest assured that the delays on this case are only because information is being withheld from us and the appeal process is a pretty long one.
We found that out the hard way.
A complaint that many people have been giving me a lot of is that I am taking too long to post and that my posts are too long to follow.
A good blogger needs to do things the opposite, blog more and say less, lol.
I appreciate constructive criticism, thus, I will work on posting more often and making them shorter and easier to follow.
I just find it hard to make a long story short without excluding important details, and this story seems to be full of important details if you ask me.
Anyways, I decided I will also start working on other stories/cases during periods where we are awaiting information.
Now, this does not mean I have given up on this case.
All it means is that if I want to keep people interested, I need to blog more, and I'm not doing that during times when responses are taking too long to be received and thus there is no news to share in this case.
When I started this blog, I didn't do it with the intention of working solely on the Tiffany Hartley case.
My problem is that I cannot multitask, but I'm sure that if I try, I can work on another case or two that is related to the demonizing of our safe American borders.
In the meantime, back to the Tiffany Hartley case, let me tell you what has been going on so far:
Currently, we are reviewing the decision of the Attorney Generals office in regards to the 911 PIA complaint we sent out.
I will comment further sometime in the next few days as to what their decision was.
I'm not sure what exactly I have stated in the past, but one thing is for sure, we didn't have our stuff organized.
Now that we do, we realize that many of our complaints to the Attorney General were never sent out.
Here is a list of the complaints that we sent out this week to the OAG:
- Public Information Request for ALL Pirate Related incidents on Falcon Lake
- Public Information Request for information on where the Sheriff got the CBP photo (this one also includes the request for information on where the Sheriff got the photo of the white house in Starr County that he claims was shot at by stray bullets from Mexico)
- Public Information Request for information on the bloodstain on Tiffany's life vest, coordinates given, etc.
- Public Information Request for the DPS dashcamera video and other information
One, we cannot prove they have that photo in existence.
Two, the photo might be in existence, but after the Sheriff's reply stating that he received the CBP photo at his office "around noon", well, noon to me can be anywhere from 12 noon to 2pm. Our request only covered from 2pm to 6pm, thus, we re-did the FOIA, amended the time to 9am to 6pm to cover every possiblity, and we included a picture this time so they know what picture we are talking about. We also included references so they know we're not making this up.
And, three, we only had 60 days to appeal, and those 60 days are up.
We found out a little too late, so instead, what we are going to do is re-send them the amended FOIA, and if they insist they don't have it in their possession this time, then we'll take it a step further.
This is the new amended FOIA we sent them:
- CBP FOIA for information on CBP photo Sigi released to the media of "suspects" on a boat.
In the meantime, I have been watching all the Tiffany Hartley updates on the news lately, and I have a couple of choice words I'd like to share, but, I'll leave that for my next blog because I want to accompany it with a video or something and right now all my trial software has expired, so...
Until next time, please don't forget to stay tuned for more...