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Friday, January 7, 2011

The Falcon Lake Murder: Tiffany Hartley

Tiffany Hartley is a young 29 year old white woman.  She is petite, blond, blue eyed, and very pretty.  Looking at her, one might never suspect her of having committed a crime if she did indeed commit one.  She doesn't fit the normal stereo-type of a criminal, especially not here around the Texas border.  

My inclusion of her race and ethnicity is not meant to be taken as an offense.  Instead, it is meant to reference an inconsistency on the reporting, by the media, of border violence.  Tiffany and David Hartley were in Mexico illegally when David was supposedly shot and murdered.  The media reported on this incident for months!  Yet, those of us who live here on the border have heard more gruesome tales of American's being murdered in Mexico, and those American's happened to be there legally.  The only difference is, the majority of those Americans, unlike Tiffany and David, happened to be Hispanic.  

Don't believe me?  

Well, then answer these question to yourself, and be honest, without researching:

When was the last time you heard of an American being killed in Mexico as a result of the drug wars?  

Do you know those victims names?  

Just to clue you in, David Hartley, if indeed he was murdered, wasn't the first nor the last American murdered in Mexico as a result of the drug wars.  

Although, David would probably be the first American who was killed while being illegally in Mexico, but that is my assumption considering the news sources for the other American's that have been killed do not provide the legal status of those American victims in Mexico. 

Now, nowhere am I trying to justify that David's illegal status is ground for murder, but his legal status is important to remember, especially since Tiffany and Sigi, and even the "good Samaritan"/eyewitness, have changed their stances from "Bring David Home" to "Secure the Borders".

If Tiffany did indeed commit a crime, then she chose the perfect place to do it.  What a better way to wipe her hands clean than to blame it on the brown folk across the pond.  Everyone knows the Mexican border area is a violent place to be at right now.  

Tiffany no doubt knew this.  

She and David lived in Reynosa, Mexico for 3 years.  Reynosa is home to the most violent drug wars on the Mexican border right now. 

A curious thing that Tiffany states in an interview with the Monitor how David was beat up and robbed by the Mexican police and she didn't know about it until a year and a half later.  What is interesting about that statement is that, again, David seems to be hit in the head with such force that he was knocked down, but if Tiffany was living with David and had an intimate relationship with him, wouldn't she have noticed a bruise to the face on her husband? 

Not to mention that, yet again, she manages to vilify the Mexican police.  

While it is a certainty that Mexican police are not saints, the very fact that they would just walk up to a guy and "clonk" him for no apparent reason other than to rob him is interesting in and of itself.  

For those of us who travel frequently to Mexico, the story Tiffany tells about David being robbed is unbelievable, not so much because we don't believe he was robbed, but because it's not custom for the Mexican police to just walk up to someone and clonk them in the head just to rob them. 

Of course, I'm not saying it couldn't have happened, but normally the Mexican police make up some infraction as a way to rob you.  You are then forced to bribe the police with money so they can let you go, or otherwise face time in prison, a fate that's probably worse than getting robbed, because now not only have you lost your money, but you're also locked up behind bars for no other reason other than that which the police make up.  

On the other hand, American's are very much respected in Mexico, especially if they are white.  

Sure, you may get pulled over here or there and get a couple of dollars taken away from you for made up infractions, but for the most part, Mexicans are aware of the fact that American tourism brings them money, and the last thing they want is to scare off Americans from spending their dollars in their economy.  Dollars are worth more than pesos, and you can't get those if you keep scaring off the people that spend their dollars on you.  It's bad enough that some of them usually find themselves in our country illegally because they are barely making it back home in Mexico, so why make it worse on themselves by beating up innocent American's just to steal their money?  

On the other hand, the police may have beaten David, but only if he put up a fight.  If that is the case, then I highly doubt that all he received was a clonk to the head.  If that weren't a serious offense, I would find it almost laughable, especially since I have had family experience the brutality of the Mexican police when you put up a fight.  Believe me, they didn't receive just a "clonk" to the head.

So what has Tiffany have to gain by making Mexico look bad?  Perhaps her innocence?

Now, I'm not a detective, but maybe I should have been one.  When I hear about stories like these that mar the safe Texas borders that I know, I cross my fingers and hope that it's not true.  Then, I immediately start digging for information to see what I can find out about those cases.  

In Tiffany's case, when I first heard her story, it sounded fishy right off the bat.  To be honest with you, even though I didn't believe her story, I didn't suspect her just yet.  I was more curious as to what David was doing days before he was murdered, and what a better place to find that out other than to look him up on facebook.

To be honest, I can't remember exactly what I saw on David's wall because I never though I would be wanting to use that information later on, but one thing I do remember is that David's wall was boring.  There were rarely any comments, not even from Tiffany and I remember thinking that for all the show of emotions from Tiffany and the Hartley/Young family, it sure seemed like they were cold with him based on what I saw on his wall.  At that time, I just disregarded that to them not being facebook freaks like I am.  Later, as my suspicions about the case became more persistent, I decided to go snoop around one more time, only to find that David's page had been set to private.  

I found that very odd, considering that David is supposed to be dead.

Yes, I know it is possible that Tiffany might have David's password, and no, I don't really believe David did it himself, although that is a possibility in my humble opinion.

No, the odd thing about it is the act of changing a "dead" persons profile to private is a very suspicious act.  Why would anyone do that?  In my opinion, the only reason to do that is if you have something to hide.  Tiffany then set her profile to private too, or so I'm guessing, because I was not smart enough to think about looking at her page before the rumors began to circulate.

The only other case in which a person might set a profile to private is to protect their family, but Tiffany and David have no children, so whom or what are they trying to protect?   

Of course, what is on their wall is none of my business.  I have no problem understand that, but it's not like Tiffany hasn't gone on nation wide television with her mis-matched stories, and she herself has said she has nothing to hide, so why is she hiding now?  

Not only is she hiding herself, but she is hiding David's page as well and that is very creepy.

There's a lot more to this story than we might be aware of.  There are several reasons Tiffany may have been involved in a plot to either murder David herself, have him killed, or fake his death.  I will follow up on my reasons for believing that as I express my thoughts on the other suspects in my following blogs.


  1. wow mamie Congrats!! got a great dabate and dilema in ur blog..take care....

  2. You are wrong about one thing. Tiffany is not pretty. Average perhaps, but not pretty. Let's get that straight.

  3. Glad to see there are more bloggers out there that see Tiffany as being suspicious. Her entire story does not add up. And the media is just giving her a free ride without asking any real questions of her. If David had returned alone, he would not have gotten the same treatment and would not have been allowed to tell such a bizarre story without anyone questioning it.

  4. I really appreciated your article. It is true that there are double standards everywhere. Ask me if I remember the name of the young college student who was killed on the same day as this "incident" and I will tell you honestly -I have no clue. You are right.

    Interestingly enough, typically when a white person goes missing or is murdered, then it is MORE looked into than if it is a minority. Take for instance the white boy missing from Oregon. He is from an educated white family. And then a couple of other Mexican kids went missing around about the same time and nobody gives a crap. The media said nothing about them!

    In this case they are a white couple -which I believe is why the media jumped all over it -but where is the justice for David, the white man? I also believe that people have treated her "gently" because she is white, petite, and blond -and also because people have a hard time believing that a little bible-thumping hausfrau would be capable of committing a crime. Personally I think that they were not only committing the crime of illegally entering Mexican, but also to buy guns to bring home to their gun-toting family members and something went wrong.

  5. Iamme,

    Hello and thank you for the article. I am really curious about the legality of them entering some 7 miles into Mexican territory -with no legal crossing at customs. Why hasn't she been charged or fined for illegally entering the country? Is there something special with international waters? In the US it is a federal crime to enter illegally. Is that not a federal offense in Mexico too? She has admitted to going there. It feels like if she had been charged, then the media would have reported it so I don't think she has been punished as others have been punished. Why does she get a free pass on that offense? Also, who does she think she is talking so bad about illegal immigrants coming to US -but she did the same thing herself!

  6. Anonymous said:
    I am really curious about the legality of them entering some 7 miles into Mexican territory -with no legal crossing at customs. Why hasn't she been charged or fined for illegally entering the country? Is there something special with international waters? In the US it is a federal crime to enter illegally. Is that not a federal offense in Mexico too? She has admitted to going there. It feels like if she had been charged, then the media would have reported it so I don't think she has been punished as others have been punished. Why does she get a free pass on that offense? Also, who does she think she is talking so bad about illegal immigrants coming to US -but she did the same thing herself!

    It is not really illegal to be in Mexico without documentation so long as you don't cross the border zone (10-20 miles from the international boundary), then you are fine. However, entering through anywhere other than a legal point of entry is a crime. Mexico, for all their laws, is very lax in implementing them, especially when it comes to American's. Of course, if the crime is serious, then yes, they enforce the law and sometimes go beyond that, but it is a rare day when Mexico finds this sort of offense as something to pursue. I mean, think about it. When was the last time you heard of an American being deported just for being illegally in Mexico? The cases are very rare, and only because it is not so important to them.

    Personally, I don't care if she's charged for that crime because I don't believe in international boundaries, but the fact that she wants to make this about border security makes me call her out on her hypocrisy.

  7. Excellent article! Thank goodness someone is putting into words what so many of us believe... that there is more to the "story" of David Hartley's alleged murder than meets the eye! Thank you for writing this article.

    What must be done (and how can we help) to insure that this case receives the proper, formal, US LE investigation that it deserves? What can be done to either compel Sgt "Sigi" into doing what is right, or, bring someone onto this case who knows how a proper investigation should be handled?

    Here in the US, you can't just "report" your spouse as having been murdered with no evidence, no witnesses, no plausible details, and no further questions asked... yet this has obviously occurred in the case of "missing person" David Hartley. How can we help to bring this case to the attention of the proper investigative agencies and insure that justice is carried out in whatever way is deemed appropriate???

  8. Several news reports say he was shot in the back of the head, but other reports say that when shot, he fell of the jet ski and wet to his aid and found him floating face down and whe she turned him over, he was shot in the forehead. So which was it?

    And the shooter, if there was one, must have been one hell of a marksman to shoot from a boat at a target that is moving AND hit someone in the head!

    I think she shot him or had him killed for his life insurance money and I dispute the claim she made that he had no insurancy because 1 he worked in the oil business, which can be dangerous and two, what idiot would not have insurance to protect your wife's finances and well being if something where to happen to you, such as death!

    The bitch is lying and it will come out one day, the sooner the better!


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