Borderline Madness Headline Animator

Friday, April 22, 2011

Falcon Lake Murder: Reenactment of the Falcon Lake Murder story

I apologize for not getting this up sooner, but here it is:

I know it's a little blah, but I look forward to getting some feedback and hopefully some other ideas as to what other kind of videos I can produce.

This video is a little off as I had meant to make it word for word based on what Tiffany said, but I couldn't resist and add, slyly, my own opinion in there.  Towards the end, I went a little off track and reenacted the story based on what she said in other interviews, not this one.

Anyways, it's practice, but I've been wanting to post something like this for quite a while now, and so here it is.



  1. Good one Borderline Madness. Comments from "friendly waving, very friendly" boaters and Tiffy were funny, and just what she said!! My only suggestion would be to make the map zoomed out a little so that people not too familiar with the area can view Tiffy's miraculous escapade from a distance. Loved the animation and talking Tiff with it, and love the little "pirate boats."

  2. You did great! If only there was a way to capture; I never looked back until I couldn't see them anymore! Thanks for you work! Suzie

  3. This is very good work. Her story is ridiculous.

  4. One additional thing that Tiffany said in other interviews is that she actually had to pass the other boats to get back to the US. I am not sure if the re-enactment would have to show the boats fly by her and David when they stopped or if they originally took off away from the pirates going away from the US. Then she says she was on the side of her jet ski so her jetski was between her and the pirates. This would make her riding along side the boats rather than in front of them. Either way, it just makes the story less believable.
    I think it would be fun to build the movie with all the different versions of her story. For example: As we came up to the church we did not see anyone (cut), as we came up to the church, we saw a boat and friendly waves....... go through each version and where the boats were positioned according to her different versions of the story. I wish we could read the statement she gave when she had her 12 hour "witness statement".

  5. I hope all is well with you. I become a little concerned when you haven't posted in awhile. While I want Tiffany to be held responsible for whatever happened...I don't want it to be at your (personal) expense. On the other hand you seem to be the only one willing to do what it takes..... I hope all is well with you! Suzie

  6. Thank you Suzie. Yes, I am well, thank you for your concern. :) Right now we've received some very long and awaited information that I hope to post up shortly as soon as I get the approval of others who I am working with on this case. There is still more information pending that we are waiting to receive, but I hope it is worth the wait. Bare with us as we review what we have, and hopefully sometime next week I'll post this interesting piece of information with the permission of the others in the group. So far, and I believe this is ok to let you know about, so far we have found that they DID NOT gather any evidence at the scene. Isn't that something! Please stay tuned!

  7. Great to see you are doing well! I just noticed that "Judicial Watch" has taken on the Hartley case. hmmmmm..... Not sure what I think of that....I'd love to help if I could! Suzie

  8. Jo said: "I think it would be fun to build the movie with all the different versions of her story. For example: As we came up to the church we did not see anyone (cut), as we came up to the church, we saw a boat and friendly waves....... go through each version and where the boats were positioned according to her different versions of the story. I wish we could read the statement she gave when she had her 12 hour 'witness statement'."

    Jo, It is a great idea to put all the totally different statements made by Tiffany side by side.

    This video by iamme was very funny and telling, but ALL the versions would be something! Not being a videographer, I can't imagine doing that, but am working on getting a number of versions together with sources. There may be even more versions than we know about out there...If you come across any, I hope you will post. dj

  9. Thank you both, and yes, I am thinking of doing a video like that. As a matter of fact, I'll start working on it next week. :)


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