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Friday, May 27, 2011

Falcon Lake Murder: An acceptance of guilt or a failed plan?

Thank you everyone for waiting for the information I have had pending.  I apologize for the wait, and believe me, what I am about to share with you is not everything that we have so far, but it is really quite astounding!

First of all, let me begin by letting you know what has happened so far:

In March 2011, we sent out a FOIA request for a full and complete copy of the original call made by Tiffany Hartley to 911 operator.  Among other things, we also requested any and all information related to the case (to sum things up) which included witness interviews, field notes, memoranda, etc. 

You would have thought we'd get more than what we got!

Instead, we got two audio cds, and 3 paper documents.  That was it!

Here is the letter that was sent by the Sheriff of Zapata that summarizes more or less what we got:

Worse still is that the audio cd for the 911 call was sent split into 16 wave files!  Here's a picture of what that looked like:
Fortunately, we were able to tape it together.  This is what it sounds like all taped up together:

The content of the audio is still being reviewed, but we have found something that sounds very damning!  Listen to audio 5 of the 911 call:

Now, let me explain something about audio 5 of the 911 call.  When you edit it in programs like Audacity or Wavepad, it tends to change the frequencies of voices.

In other words, where you have someone saying, "Let me have that hat", editing the frequencies can change that sentence to sound like, "Bet we grab a snack". 

Many of the people working with me have had that difficulty because the more they mess with those programs, the more they change the sound of words, making it sound like Tiffany Hartley was saying something else.

However, the reason why I'm confident I'm as close to what Tiffany said as possible is because I used a program that I have been used for heavy editing in the past. 

That program is Adobe Soundbooth CS5.

What I like about Adobe Soundbooth CS5 is that you can select the frequencies you want to change, as opposed to changing ALL the frequencies.  The reason Soundbooth can do that is because it gives you a thermal image of the audio. 

In this case, I highlighted around Tiffany's voice and removed the sound around it, being as careful as possible not to change the voice frequencies.  Doing that changes the tone of the voice, but pretty much keeps the words in tact. 

What happens when you remove the sound around the voice is that you take the higher frequencies out of it, along with the noise, and so you keep the words, but they sound more flutey as opposed to Tiffany's regular voice.

Having said that, I'm shocked!

I'm shocked that this was actually caught on tape!  It is no wonder the Sheriff of Zapata County went to such extreme lengths as to take it upon himself to withhold information!

Unfortunately for him, he's not smart enough, as he left in not only audio 5 of the 911 call, but the address of the Good Samaritan!!

Let me just say this, I'm under the strong impression that Tiffany NEVER left the public boat ramp, and if she did, she probably just circled around it to get to the Good Samaritan's house! 

Take a look at this map:

The blue dot is the Good Samaritan's house.  The yellow star is the public boat ramp.

Why in the world would Tiffany end up at that exact house, in that exact location?

But the audio, man.  The audio! 

To hear Tiffany say, "Why'd they make me shoot somebody where I could never look for David"!

Is it just me?  Am I the only one that hears that?  What do you hear?

And assuming that what I am hearing is correct, who is this "somebody" that they shot out there?

Or was this failed planning?  Maybe Tiffany thought that she could go with the excuse that they, the pirates, made her shoot David, but later figured out that that would never fly.

But what if they shot someone with the idea that maybe in time they would find a body and claim it was David, but Tiffany, smartly, thinks about the fact that the body is in an area where they will never find "David"?

Then again, listen to the beginning of the 911 call.  A few seconds into the call, Tiffany states, "by the Church". 

In other words, assuming David was shot, she was saying that he was shot "by the Church". 

The good Samaritan later relays the same message to the operator. 

So why does Tiffany go on later to claim that they were "half way" to the US?  And assuming that is true, then where does the good Samaritan get that he saw a boat chasing her?

Not to mention, remember this picture?

Well, listen to this interview Tiffany had in which she estimates there were two to three people in each of the 3 boats:

Amy:  And, how many people do you think are in these boats?
Tiffany:  Um, if I had to guess, which I don't even have a clue how many were in there, but uh, three let's say
Amy:  In each one of the boats..ok
Tiffany: Yea, two to three in each boat.

So yeah, maybe she's guessing, but it still defies logic as to why the Sheriff of Zapata County would use the above picture to point them out as "suspects", when even he's been saying all along that they were looking at about 6 or seven suspects.  I remember 9 somewhere, but I'm not up to researching, but even at 9!  How would that work with 3 boats, when the above picture shows 6 people in one?!!!

Did these merry pirates decide to take a jolly ride by hopping altogether into one boat?  Geez!

Even more bothersome is the fact that the report we received claims that the good ol' Sheruf of Zapata didn't gather ANY evidence at the scene!!!

Here's a snapshot of that document:


Yes, there are all sorts of crazy stuff going on here.  Soooo, the jet ski doesn't count as evidence?  The life vest doesn't count as evidence? 

"No evidence gathers".....hmmmmm.

This isn't over yet.  There is still more information pending, and hopefully evidence we'll receive in a week or two that we can look over and I will later share with you once we are done reviewing.

In the meantime, please share this far and wide.

I have no idea what to do with what I have found, and those who are helping me have found that in order for us to do any more we'd have to hire a lawyer and a court approved forensic specialist to analyze the audio if we want to take this to court, which so far no one is doing.

Since we have no money, we'll use what we have:  our voices!

Tell everyone you know.  Share this with all your friends.  Share it with the media, anyone who is willing to listen, and hopefully take this up.

Again, if what I am hearing is correct, then someone was killed out there on Falcon Lake, and Tiffany basically states that someone made her do it (shyeah right). 

Justice needs to be done, and if the Sheriff of Zapata County will not fulfill his duties as a law enforcement officer, then someone needs to step in and take away his badge.

Please stay tuned for more.

Until next time.....

P.S.  Here's the incident report narrative for anyone who wants to view it:
Is it just me, or when you read it do you hear Tiffany's rehearsed voice in your head?

Anyways, let me know what YOU hear in that audio 5 of the 911 call.  Take care!


  1. This blog captures all that is wrong with the Hartley case and asks all the right questions. Brilliant job.

    Here is a question for any possible reporters or law enforcement out there:

    "No Evidence Gathered," according to Incident/Offense Report. What are they doing here?

    At some point the sheriff tested Tiffany's life vest for a tiny blood spot. When, then, did Sheriff Gonzalez take this crucial evidence? Has he ever heard of chain of custody (of evidence)? He says this blood spot is more proof Tiffany is "innocent."


    Since he took "no evidence," when and where did he come upon that life vest with the microscopic spot?

    And, as he took control of the case, as evidenced by the Incident Report, how can the sheriff of Zapata County say "It happened in Mexico." Their problem. "Our hands are tied."

    Whose jurisdiction is it if you take reports, call the "event" a "Possible Murder," and process "evidence" that you have NOT gathered, and declare instant "innocence" to the only viable suspect?

    Oh. Did Sheriff Gonzalez give any of this evidence he did "not gather" to Mexican investigators?

    And, as the "event" allegedly happened because the Hartleys foolishly ventured far into known Mexican territory controled by drug thugs, I am not sure why Tiffany is in Washington, DC, and eleswhere in the US, blaming the Obama administration for her own stupidity. Why aren't Tiffany Hartley, Ted Poe, and Brian Bilbray in Mexico yapping for answers?

    Fear of arrest, Tiffany?

  2. She definitely said "we were by the church" in the beginning of that tape-which completely goes against past statements she made that they had headed out from the church and had gone 5 to 10 minutes at 40-50 mph before they were approached.

    Yes, she did claim 2 or 3 (maybe 4 in one, "but I didn't see that person!") and Sigi claims that photo is of the suspects -6 men in a small boat. Oh, and NO marijuana in the bow like Sigi claims too. He really has no attention for detail, does he?

    The report is interesting -NO evidence was gathered at all!!! What crappy police work for a "possible murder"!!! And why have we not seen the report of the blood test of "a barely visible" microscopic drop of blood from her vest???

    Whoever wrote that report used the words, "possible murder" which indicates to me that they were unclear at the time, by Tiff's reports, whether or not he was dead. And then they wrote, "The female subject stated ... POSSIBLY killing him." Again, she did not report that he was dead...Whereas in early interviews, she wavered when asked if he was dead... then even further down the line she said in interviews that she knew right then and there that he was gone, and that she said her last goodbyes to him before taking off thru a hail of bullets to reach safety. Lies, lies and more lies!

    The good samaritan reported something else interesting...what HE heard from her was that they were at the church when approached and that the men were 'displaying guns' -Tiff had stated over and over that "they had guns, but I didn't see [the guns]" -????

    Tiff apparently did report to police that he was gurgling, but later she denied that and said something to the effect that he said nothing, she heard nothing, just saw him sleep-like with eyes closed?

    Interesting too that the report said that the gunman "placed his gun on her head" -whereas later she said that he had the gun "pointed at my head." I think those are two very distinctly different actions...

    It really pizzes me off that Sigi is such an inept sheriff -taxpayers are paying for no value added in the community. He needs to be fired. Isn't there some type of sheriff internal affairs that could do an investigation. My bet is that he is not only bad at his job, but corrupt as well.

  3. Fact 1: The sheriff wrote in his letter that the 911 call came in at 2:02pm, and lasted until 2:19pm.

    Fact 2: Hartley told CNN that "and around 2, 2:15 we were on the lake and headed that way." (To the church)

    One more piece of the bizarre time-line that does not add up.

  4. Anonymous said...
    She definitely said "we were by the church" in the beginning of that tape-which completely goes against past statements she made that they had headed out from the church and had gone 5 to 10 minutes at 40-50 mph before they were approached.

    Anonymous, I have written those words above so many times that I thought your post was one of mine.

    I not only agree with your post(s), but am more than disgusted by so much more that does not add up and no interest by the press, at the very least, in putting the Zapata county sheriff's office under intense scrutiny.

    Yes, the CNN timeline she gave has no relationship to the actual time of the call. Sigi has always said it came in at 2:20 or 2:30. Uh,uh.

    There's missing time too. From the beginning of the call to the responder's arrival: The call starts at 14:02 ends 14:19-20. Why is the call only 5:55?

    There is far too much wrong just in these documents and 911 call, alone.

    Since sheriffs are elected, I don't know the mechanism for investigating one, but certainly the state of Texas should be looking into Sigi's deliberate mishanding of and lying about the evidence. There is an obvious coverup and collusion by the Zapata Count sheriff with Tiffany Hartley, concerning her activities on Falcon Lake on Sept 30, 2010.

  5. Tiffany: Where was David shot?

    Was it in front of the old church, like you said in the 911 call, or was it miles away, like you told your TV audiences?

  6. Excellent questions everyone, and I assure you we are still trying to get to the bottom of this. There is new information developing that I will post up shortly. Let's just say, for now, things seem to only be getting weirder and weirder. Could CBP and DPS be involved in the cover up? I'll let you be the judge as soon as I post our newly found information up. Please continue to stay tuned. :)

  7. iamme, I took a two week vacation (first time ever) and life has been a bit crazy upon my return. So I am sorry I haven't posted sooner about this excellent work! It is so unfortunate the professionals have dropped the ball. You have true grit! Thank you so much! Suzie


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